Rumble Remastered! - Custom Hearthstone Card

Rumble Remastered!

27th April, 2022 (RR)

Made by King Kuba ()

Doger the Dog 2 years ago
Either Rumble is a really good expansion or it's just a Rumble wave along all Old Players who have witnessed it...

Otherwives great work man!:qnikkoWOW: Or not man I dunno...
DustenStein 2 years ago
I really like Fish in the Sand
King Kuba (creator)2 years ago
Just as promised, surprise update! Demon Hunter is also in RUMBLE RUN!
Raphael 2 years ago
Have to say that cards from RR are so awful makes me want to doubt the devs were getting paid for printing those. I understand the powercreep and the fact that not every card has to be playable but these are ridiculous.
Burgermaker 2 years ago
Cool stuff. It would be too bad if for some reason it wouldn't get to gallery. :bob:
jk 5 stars :epic:
Murozondy 2 years ago
Very nice!
King Kuba (creator)2 years ago
By the way, I'm back with more :D
(By the way to by the way; I beg you to upvote this post if you like it, so much work oh maaaan)
King Kuba (creator)2 years ago
I like your reasoning with the Priest class; this Surrender to Madness would also fit nicely into that entire 1 Mana minion archetype where you're going for really big dudes with really cheap cost in your deck
Wishful 2 years ago
True true, that's why I wasn't certain on it being 2 mana anyway. not to add the +5/+5 buff.
Nekkro 2 years ago
You can play it on turn 2, and return to 0, if next turn you're going to play a (1) Mana - 6/8
DustenStein 2 years ago
2 mana, destroy 2, give +5/+5. You would play this when you have ~8 mana, destroy 2, somehow tutor a minion and play whatever you got with +5/+5. For the sake of it, let it be Goldshire Knight. If you don't lose the turn you cast this, you've won
Wishful 2 years ago
Ehh, is it though?

Like I'd agree it is rather outragous, I think that +4/+2 would be a more acceptable buff for surrender to madness but I still vividly remember it being really bad. Like, so bad that how you would have to play Surrender to madness would be either not or ripping it on turn 3.

I did now see you've changed it to 2 mana, but I'm really just trying to think of a priest deck that would be able to take advantage of it and its... still really hard? Like you can get a 6/6 Patches on turn 3 in Wild but is that really a threat when games end on turn 3?
[deleted]2 years ago
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Randomizer 2 years ago
Holy hell that Surrender to Madness buff
Nekkro 2 years ago
Really? That's pretty cool.
I'll keep an eye on them at some point. Thank you :qWOW:
DustenStein 2 years ago
King Kuba made a bunch of expansion remasters. I think TgT is already among them
Nekkro 2 years ago
As a regular user of my deck, I don't like at all the change to Void Contract, I prefer it to be unplayable.
Especially since Warlock can easily tutor minions, such as playing turn 3 Free Admission, and drawing Neeru and Rustwix, and on turn 4 annihilating any combo deck or control, and even Aggro if they have a bad draw.

And, sorry. But Isn't Great Tornament just worst than Rastakhan Rumble? I feel that a lot of persons think in this one as the worst expansion, but I think that leave us a couple more cards.
like Mass Hysteria, Spirit of the Frog, Seance, Raiding Party, Spirit of the Shark

Tournament has only Buccaneer, Totem Golem and Spawn of Shadows, and the last two are not even played anymore.
I don't know, looks like it's not the case, but at least in my mind, Tournament was the worst expansion.
King Kuba (creator)2 years ago
I'm doing a break for now, I'll put all the buffs in a couple of hours from now with another surprise too! Hopefully it gets to the Gallery :D
Wishful 2 years ago
My god, is this like Gosha306's slight balance changes on every card known to man?
Gosha305 2 years ago
Also, this is my personal opinion, but I think that to make it playable, Prelate should be a 1 Mana 1/3 rather than what you did.
Gosha305 2 years ago
Jan'alai at 5 Seems excessive. That card saw a decent amount of play.
Gosha305 2 years ago
I wanted to add Rastakhan's Rumble (and some other expansions) to my gigantic Wild buff batch thing at some point, but I guess I won't need to do that.

Looks great, especially the DH cards.
DustenStein 2 years ago
:gonk: :gonk:
DustenStein 2 years ago
Yeah! That's better. Honestly, Gonk's Totem could honestly say "After your hero attacks" because a 1 mana conditional draw 2 over 2 turns is not even that amazing
King Kuba (creator)2 years ago
@DustenStein Listened to your feedback and made it a 5 Mana 4/7 instead so it's now you can still gonk but easier :gonk:
Wishful 2 years ago
Neat idea for DH but, hmmm.. some of these changes feel weird?
DustenStein 2 years ago
Gross. That's too much changing
DustenStein 2 years ago
Oh nevermind you changed the whole text
DustenStein 2 years ago
I don't think Gonk even needs that downside