Anub'Rekhan - Custom Hearthstone Card


24th May, 2018 ()

DestroyerR 5 years ago
@Jay_2413 that’s the point. The creator even made a parody to Boom’s italicized text
Jay_2413 5 years ago
pretty good, except if the resummoned locusts don't keep buffs, it just fills your board with 1/1 minions and it will suck. also kind of a copy of Dr. Boom ain't it
Gothe 5 years ago
no actually, cuz these "Dreadsteeds" don't just come back, they bring 2 more dreadsteads with them. So this is an infinite 7 minion board at some point. Some might argue that they're only 1/1s but I say 1/1s can be buffed easily and overwhelm easily (especially when they'll be coming back every turn)
01error10 5 years ago
Cool card, but it basically is 7 mana 7/7 summon 2 dreadsteeds.
Loffigus 5 years ago
It should say "Deathratthle: resummon locust at end of turn" for it to act like Dreadsteed. (what is a promote?)
Huskey 5 years ago
So the Locusts work kinda like that Nether Portal you gain from the Warlock quest? Or am I mistaken?
Majoroyalty 5 years ago
Interesting idea, but kinda confusing too. If a Locust was buffed would it keep a buff? but also if its dead when the copies are made would it basically make dead copies?