Die with Honor - Custom Hearthstone Card

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Die with Honor

23rd November, 2017 ()

MurlocAggroB 6 years ago
Nevermind, I can't read. Holy crap can I not read. How did I misread this so badly? What the actual balls? Still a decent card, though.
MurlocAggroB 6 years ago
Shadowflame kills your minion... with this, not only do you keep it, you buff it. Also, 6 mana for a board clear is insanely underbudget (cast this on any number of 4-attack minions, and it's Flamestrike + Hand of Protection at a 2 mana discount). This card is pretty badly designed... it's BUSTED.
Sam-U-Rai-Guy 6 years ago
more like die with a bang. A severely worse version of Shadowflame. Bad card