Undying Heart - Custom Hearthstone Card

Undying Heart

1st July, 2019 (RR)

Made by Ubertrainer2000

Frankie 4 years ago
A predicted card
Cosmic14 4 years ago
Shoemanband 4 years ago
@Kovachut Well, to be fair, Desperate Stand always sucked.
Kovachut 4 years ago

Well, this is awkward. But I was also surprised seeing a reprint of Desperate Stand.
Poondaedalin 4 years ago
Even expansion-specific effects can be used more than once though. Look at the Joust effects from K&C, which use the exact same particle effects as the effects from TGT. As well, look at Discover. Have you noticed that Omega Assembly is the ONLY Discover card that doesn’t have the treasure particle effect upon showing the cards (it shows gears instead)? Blizzard likely thought that Discover would not be a recurring keyword, but proceeded to use the effect in every expansion since without updating the particle effect to suit the other expansions (UNG could be leaves, KotFT could be bones, TBP could be Omega Assembly’s gears, etc.).
Ubertrainer2000 (creator)4 years ago
Where do you want this heart? Over my dead body, dear.
Shoemanband 4 years ago
I guess it just depends if Blizzard thinks a keyword should be evergreen or not. Like, Lifesteal and Start of Game can have a lot of applications in the future, but stuff like Recruit and Reborn are really there to flavor the set (except for Echo, apparently).
Kapiork (3.9)4 years ago
@Shoemanband In these cases, there are REALLY subtle differences (different art for 2nd Extra Arms, not getting more Unstable Evolutions if one is cast by Yogg, etc). On the other hand, Poisonous and Lifesteal were in the game before becoming keywords, and the cards with them DID get updated. Confusing, isn't it? :annoy-o-tron: :boomS:
Shoemanband 4 years ago
I doubt it. People said the same thing about Y'shaarj and Recruit, Unstable Evolution and Echo, and Extra Arms and Twinspell.
Poondaedalin 4 years ago
Wait... Thinking about it, Blizzard will probably change Desperate Stand to read “Give a minion Reborn”, kinda like with Malchezaar.
Shoemanband 4 years ago
Desperate Stand is pretty much Reborn as a Deathrattle, so why is this 1 Mana? Even though DS saw little play in Paladin, Priest is a much better class for this type of effect with Deathrattle minions and spell-cast synergy.