Dazzik "Hellscream" - Custom Hearthstone Card

Dazzik "Hellscream"

14th November, 2019 (RR)

Made by Octotron 2000

Cardcrafty 3 years ago
DestroyerR 4 years ago
@Octotron 2000 thanks!

@Gothe because then they’d have to nerf his art as well :tinyfin:
Gothe 4 years ago
So I just found out that Dazzik is an actual npc found in Dalaran in WoW. Except his name is Dazzik "Proudmoore." I can only wonder why the Hearthstone team decided it was better for him to impersonate a mighty orc warlord instead of wizard pirate in a dress.
Octotron 2000 (creator)4 years ago
Ah, I'll leave that one :annoy-o-tron: You've got a keen eye for this stuff though!
DestroyerR 4 years ago
Oh man, I’m so sorry... I totally forgot I had another, smaller nitpick ;_;

This one isn’t actually a mistake, so don’t worry, but I think it would look nicer if the Scourgelord’s Health on the portrait was red, to show he’s wounded. Feel free to ignore, my bad for not mentioning it before you remade it
Octotron 2000 (creator)4 years ago
All fixed! Hopefully... :chicken:
DestroyerR 4 years ago
@Octotron 2000 you can still change it! Just create another Death Knight portrait, remove the faulty one from the token list and add the fixed version
Octotron 2000 (creator)4 years ago
Ahhh balls... Thanks for pointing out my cretinous mistake, DestroyerR. :boomS:
DestroyerR 4 years ago
Minor nitpick: In the Death Knight portrait it says Kazzik instead of Dazzik. Awesome idea though
Octotron 2000 (creator)4 years ago
Thank you guys! :gonk:
KoLaP 4 years ago
Awesome work! :D
DryBowser 4 years ago
This is a really cool idea.