Archangel Apocrypha - Custom Hearthstone Card

Archangel Apocrypha

28th March, 2018 (K&C)

Made by KiruChan

GreeDurden (4.3)6 years ago
OP as hell, reduce its stats to 2/3 with this effect and it is balanced, otherwise one of the effects has to be left behind.
HipHopOppotomus 6 years ago
Far too powerful; with taunt and divine shield already at those stats, this card is great value at 9 mana. With that, you then have a 0 mana additional effect that destroys any minion and heals your hero its attack! A broken card against a big minion. For 10 as the destroy/heal effect alone in spell form, the card would be great for paladin!