Dual Class Mercenaries - Custom Hearthstone Card

Dual Class Mercenaries

25th October, 2021 (RR)

Made by Murghlinwall ()

DustenStein 2 years ago
The classes are arranged in a circle.
Warlock-Demon Hunter
Demon Hunter-Hunter
You can remember this order by just remembering WAND THIEF. Wand is Mage. Thief is Rogue.
Gokee 2 years ago
@DustenStein, I do not understand that explanation.
DustenStein 2 years ago
So, basically, all of these are wrong lmao
DustenStein 2 years ago
*which direction it goes in
DustenStein 2 years ago
I don't think so. It's a circle actually
A good way to remember which direction it goes is Wand Thief
Wands are used by Mages, therefore it's the Mage half.
Thiefs are Rogues, therefore it's the Rogue half.
It's just counting from there
Mage - Rogue - Warrior - Paladin -
Priest - Warlock - Demon Hunter - Hunter -
Druid - Shaman - Mage
Gokee 2 years ago
Nitpick in coming, but I think in a dual class card the class that alphabetically comes first always goes on the left of the card. So the order would have to be replaced for Rokara, Scabbs, Bru'Kan, Tavish, Tamsin and Xyrella.
Murghlinwall (4.3) (creator)2 years ago
@DustinStein, I tried to make these all good with the quest lines for both classes they are part of, and frankly thought it could work for rokarra, although I wish there was better art for the concept lol
Kapiork (3.9)2 years ago
Thunderblight Bru'kan + the usual Anakondra combo = ULTRA S :smorc: M :smorc: O :smorc: R :smorc: C
Kapiork (3.9)2 years ago
@Dusten This site begs to differ.
DustenStein 2 years ago
Ok... why is Rokara SI:7? You cannot just slap SI:7 on any card and it will make it better.
Murozondy 2 years ago
WOW, what a job! I like them all enough! Nice!