Kind Librarian - Custom Hearthstone Card

Kind Librarian

25th October, 2021 (RR)

Made by FriendlyShadow

FriendlyShadow (creator)2 years ago
Hey! That coffee art is Legendary. Just look at it! Don't you want to drink from it? :reno:
Wishful 2 years ago
Like.. I mean its neat but.. useless?

Like this is just a 1 mana 1/1 silence 99% of the time, because the core concept of silence priest is the fact that you DON'T want to refresh your minions text since you are using silence to get big stats on the field.

Other then that, I mean, I the Coffee art makes me think I'm seeing Blinkfox in the cream but that's about it.
FriendlyShadow (creator)2 years ago
"I just want to drink my coffee and read the newspaper."