Swim with the Fishes - Custom Hearthstone Card

Swim with the Fishes

17th April, 2018 (WW)

Made by PepeYolann

Broxor 6 years ago
@Kynfetic045 Still this card should only cost 2 or max. 3. The minion was only played in Arena. And it was 5 mana 4/3. Deal 2 Damage to all undamaged "enemy" minions.
Kynfetic045 6 years ago
NO the minions does 2 damage to all enemy undamaged minions.
Kynfetic045 6 years ago
similar to KNivemare
Broxor 6 years ago
Isnt there a minion with this effect?
Auron2000 6 years ago
Isn't 4 too much?